Development Management Committee - Wednesday 12 February 2025, 7:00pm - Harlow District Council streaming
Development Management Committee
Wednesday, 12th February 2025 at 7:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Michael Garnett
Agenda item :
1 Webcast Introduction
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies for Absence and Substitutions
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Cllr Jake Shepherd
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Matthew Saggers
Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr James Leppard
Cllr Sue Livings
Cllr Michael Garnett
Agenda item :
4 Minutes
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Agenda item :
5 Matters Arising
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Cllr Sue Livings
Cllr Kay Morrison
Cllr Michael Garnett
Agenda item :
6 Written Questions
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Agenda item :
7 Procedure for Consideration of Planning Applications
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Agenda item :
8 HW/FUL/24/00388 - 186 Malkin Drive
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Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Michael Garnett
Public Speaker
Cllr Michael Garnett
Public Speaker
Cllr Michael Garnett
Public Speaker
Cllr Michael Garnett
Public Speaker
Cllr Michael Garnett
Public Speaker
Cllr Michael Garnett
Public Speaker
Cllr Michael Garnett
Public Speaker
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Kay Morrison
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Kay Morrison
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Michael Garnett
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr James Leppard
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr James Leppard
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr James Leppard
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr James Leppard
Tanusha Waters
Cllr James Leppard
Tanusha Waters
Cllr James Leppard
Tanusha Waters
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Tanusha Waters
Cllr Kay Morrison
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Kay Morrison
Cllr Matthew Saggers
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Tanusha Waters
Cllr Michael Garnett
Agenda item :
9 HW/FUL/24/00217 - Flat Block 1-14, 15-22 and 23-36 Amberry Court
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Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Michael Garnett
Miss Maisie Treacher
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr James Leppard
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Kay Morrison
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Matthew Saggers
Cllr Michael Garnett
Tanusha Waters
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Tanusha Waters
Cllr Kay Morrison
Cllr Michael Garnett
Tanusha Waters
Cllr Matthew Saggers
Cllr Michael Garnett
Agenda item :
10 HW/FUL/24/00180 - Nexus, Maypole Boulevard, Harlow Innovation Park
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Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Matthew Saggers
Elizabeth Beighton
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Michael Garnett
Cllr Jake Shepherd
Cllr Michael Garnett
Agenda item :
11 HW/HSE/24/00428 - 6 Burnside Terrace
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Cllr Sue Livings
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Sue Livings
Cllr Matthew Saggers
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Sue Livings
Cllr James Leppard
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr James Leppard
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Matthew Saggers
Cllr Matthew Saggers
Elizabeth Beighton
Cllr Sue Livings
Agenda item :
12 HW/FUL/24/00442 - Elm Hatch
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Cllr Michael Garnett
Agenda item :
13 References from Other Committees
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Agenda item :
14 Matters of Urgent Business
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Webcast Finished
- 4 December 2024, opens in new tab
- HW FUL 24 00388 186 Malkin Drive Committee Report, opens in new tab
- HW FUL 24 00388 186 Malkin Drive, opens in new tab
- Supplemntary Report Feb 2025, opens in new tab
- HW FUL 24 00388 186 Malkin Drive - Presentation, opens in new tab
- HW FUL 24 00217 Amberry Court Report, opens in new tab
- HW FUL 24 00217 Amberry Court Plans Pack, opens in new tab
- HW FUL 24 00217 Amberry Court, opens in new tab
- Nexus committee report, opens in new tab
- Nexus plans pack, opens in new tab
- Nexus presentation, opens in new tab
- HW HSE 24 00428 6 Burnside Terrace, opens in new tab
- HW HSE 24 00428 6 Burnside Terrace Plans Pack, opens in new tab
- HW HSE 24 00428 6 Burnside Terrace - Presentation, opens in new tab

Labour and Co-operative

Labour and Co-operative